As for our shaykh being the Qutb

The Mujaddid of Sufism in this Time, The Qutb,
'Arif billah Sayyid Shaykh Sidi Hamza al-Qadiri Budshishi

A Shareef (a descend of sayyiduna rasulillah (peace be upon him) went to the Maqam of Great Mulay Idris and ask who the Qutb was later in a Dream he was told that the Qutb of the Time is Sidi Hamza.

Today many Shaykhs of Tariqah have given and are giving baya' to our Shaykh, just to mention some. The Grand Muhaddith Shaykh Abdel-Aziz Ibn Siddiq Al Ghumari has come over to the Tariqah (read his testimony below), The Grand children of The Qutb Shaykh 'Abdel-Aziz Dabbagh have Joined, one of the oldest murids of Shaykh Ahmad ibn Mustafa Al 'Alawi has said that our Shaykh meaning Shaykh Al Alawi kept everything inside himself but Shaykh Sidi Hamza is giving out to His Murids.

At the point of bayyah every Murid of Sidi Hamza is a Wali, he/she tastes waliyyah-sainthood and they have to preserve it by the Shariah.

As for the Sidi Hamza as the Mujadidi of Sufism in Morocco please read below the reasearch of a Mark Sedgwick and also below The Testimony of the late Grand Muhaddith Shaykh Abdel-Aziz Ibn Siddiq Al Ghumari after meeting Qutb Sidi Hamza Al-Qadiri Budshishi:

In Search of a Counter-Reformation: Anti-Sufi Stereotypes and the Budshishiyya's Response by Mark Sedgwick

..One of the few Sufi orders that has managed to attract members of Arab elites despite obstacles is the Budshishiyya, which has since the 1960s been unusually successful in recruiting members of Morocco's intellectual and social elites. This order is a Moroccan branch of the Qadiriyya order.

...Once some intellectuals had joined the Budshishiyya, the writings of some seven or ten Budshishi authors, and the normal tendency of an order's membership to spread across family and social networks, meant that a growing number of intellectual: entered the order. The most important Budshishi writer was Taha 'Abd al-Rahman, whose al- 'Amal al-Dini wa Tajdid al- 'Aql brought many to the Budshishiyya. Another well-known Budshishi was Ahmad Tawfiq, a professor at Morocco's leading university (Muhammad V in Rabat), a counselor of King Hasan II, and director of the Moroccan National Library, and from 2003 Morocco's minister of Religious Affairs. Here we see the restoration of networks linking the elite to Sufism, with new networks replacing those destroyed during the ideological stage of the development of anti-Sufism, and the restoration of close and cooperative relations between at least some Sufis and the state.

.....By the year 2000, perhaps half of the order's approximate membership of at least 25,000 were "educated". Many of these were young men and women, sometimes school-leavers. Many came from the Islamic Studies departments that proliferated in Moroccan universities after 1979, and so were more from the educated than the Francophone classes, less elite but still modem. (Moroccans and more then 100,000 attend the Mawlid gathering every year annual "summer university" was opened for Islamic studies at Oujda (the provincial capital for Madagh), taught by scholars who were mostly themselves Budshishis teaching the classical Islamic sciences: hadith, fiqh, sira, and usul.

... As time passed, the Budshishiyya increasingly sponsored further "outreach activities" such as public lectures and performances of "Sufi singing." By 2000 there was at least one such event almost every month, often held at universities in Morocco's major cities. These events - in contrast to the "summer university" - were not usually overtly Budshishi. Their purpose, it may be deduced, was to reach beyond existing networks, to circumvent the anti-Sufi stereotypes of those parts of the elite that could not be reached through academic and intellectual networks......

...the Budshishiyya's high-quality educational activities were especially important in an era when state control had robbed other sources of Islamic education of much of inherit quality and legitimacy... Building on the order's existing membership, Shaykh Hamza appointed a number of university professors from various fields as his muqqadams (lieutenants) in many of Morocco's major cities....

......As well as examining the Budshishiyya's success in attracting "modern" Moroccans, we also have to explain the order's success in retaining such people once (they have been first attracted to it. This derives in part from the widely acknowledged charisma of Shaykh Hamza, to which all the Budshishis with whom I spoke testified. Another quality of which Ahmad Qustas drew attention was that Shaykh Hamza was adroit in "tying up the arrogance of the intellectual." The Budshishiyya's success in retaining elite recruits, however, also results from a pragmatic approach to the application of the shari'a, from the "purity" of its practices, and from internal organization that makes excellent use of pre-existing networks.

...The Budshishiyya have re-established the close and cooperative relationship between major Sufi orders and the state that was often found before the nineteenth century but has since become rare.

From:In Search of a Counter-Reformation: Anti-Sufi Stereotypes and the Budshishiyya's Response by Mark Sedgwick


The late Grand Muhaddith Shaykh Abdel-Aziz Ibn Siddiq Al Ghumari:,he was considered by some during his life as a Shaykh Al Islam and the Boukhari of his time. May God greet him with His Mercy.

The Testimony of he late Grand Muhaddith Shaykh Abdel-Aziz Ibn Siddiq Al Ghumari after meeting Qutb Sidi Hamza Al-Qadiri Budshishi.Translation of the words of Shaykh Abdel 'Aziz Ben Siddiq Al-Ghumari:
Allah chose for our religion this blessed Law and for this eternal Islam, the Men who are the Masters (shuyukhs) of the Way; and which devoted their life to call people to Allah, to spread the word of Allah and to transmit Its Law to the children and to the young people, to elder and old. The Saint Imam Shaykh Hamza who was chosen by Allah (God), belongs to these Men.

I saw in him the sacrifice in the way of Allah, the obliteration of the self; which reminds the first Masters (Shuyukhs), the Masters experts (erudite) who sacrificed their social status, their money and their person for the aim of making known the religion of Allah.

I felt that whereas only two months ago, the blessed Shaykh visited us to our zawiyya to Tangier. Now, I realized, I interiorized, I understood and I became among those which testify and which say: The one who seeks the guidance, who wants to arrive at the goal, who wants to know Allah, who wants to purify its heart and who wants to illuminate its heart: may he accompanies this Master in his Way, may he remains in company of this Master, that it is sincere in his behavior with him.

Because this man, who is standing with us right now, is the only one which calls to Allah with perspicacity. Among the merits of this man, of this Imam, at our time when we attend the organization of gatherings and meetings the purpose of which are the games, the entertainment, the superstitions and the swindles, one sees this man, may Allah rewards him, gathering the hearts of the children and adults, the hearts of the young people, boys and girls, for the invocation ofAllah, and of the invocation of There is no God but God (la ilaha ila Allah) , to teach them the extinction in Allah, the detachment from the earthly life, the contempt of the attractions of this world and to recall the stories of the Saints to them, which illuminates the hearts and revivify them.

This man in this time is a symbol and a guide in this Way.

It is him which recalls us the Prophet, Peace and Blessings on him, his struggle and his Jihad against the darkness of disbelief

Therefore I testify that all the merit in this blessed assembly, this gathering, belongs to the blessed Shaykh, the blessed Shaykh, Shaykh Hamza who do not cease educating and teaching There is not God but God and Mohammad is His messenger, under all its conditions, and revivifying and illuminating the hearts. May Allah rewards him, as He did for all the Saints. May peace, blessings and mercy of Allah be with you.

Thus the model of Sidi Hamza has revived Sufism in Morocco, in a time when the country was plagued with Najdism and moderism. It's a fact that the Tariqah of Sidi Hamza has bought Morocco back to the way of Sunni aqeedah and sufis practices. 

'Maghrib' Means the 'West' And at the end of time the 'Sun will rise from the West' and this is the 'Arif billah Sidi Hamza-The Sun and west is Europe. 

The Model of 'Arif billah Sidi Hamza has worked in Morocco and its time this method is tried here in the West. Inshallah.

The Qutb of the Time, The 'Arif billah Shaykh Sidi Hamza the Grand son of Shaykh Abdal-Qadir Jilani and is the living Sufi Master of his Time and the Mujadid of Sufism in this Time.

My Sufi Journey to, Sidi Hamza by Webmaster 1