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Unfreeze - Stage 1








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The basis of any change in maternity services must recognise the importance of supporting the personal power of a woman in becoming a mother; this applies to all women. This change will give women control over their bodies and the birth of their babies, to empower them to confident and competent motherhood and to increase their sense of self-confidence (Page, 1995).

Changing Childbirth (CCH) 1993 emphasises the need to provide a more woman centered approach to care, throughout whole of the pregnancy and beyond. This document in itself is sufficient to say that there is a need to change current parent education for the Asian women who speak no English. The ideal aim of parent education is to share knowledge with all childbearing women and support their partners so that they are well informed, within the limits of their education and understanding, so that they can make decisions. The report Making A Difference (DOH, 1999) and the concept of Clinical Governance suggests that, health professionals need to strive to make changes where necessary so that no group of women are disadvantaged of maternity care (Lewis, 1995).

This bus shall not only be used by pregnant women but also their immediate family i.e. mother-in-law. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the womens network still exists within the Asian communities, women learn from other experienced women about pregnancy and childbirth, there is nothing wrong with this providing the information the women are getting is up to date and research based. By allowing other members of the family access the information will build trust and rapport with the health professionals in attempt to break the barriers which currently exist. The volunteers of the Ammy Ki Baji project and the organisers of the ‘Rocky’ bus will be invited to help with the change process. This is another bus which runs in Alum Rock called ‘Rocky Bus’ which teaches the Asian women English as a second language. they are the innovators who will be committed to the change project (Lancaster & Lancaster, 1981) to influence the managers using their skills of negotiation and assertiveness. These groups of people will be invited to the meeting to voice their views.